

2011-09-29 10:04:07     标签:其他杯赛

(听力部分 50分)

一. 听句子,选出句子含有的信息,并将所选答案的字母编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。每个句子读一次。(10分)

1 . A. the twelfth boy from the left B. the twentieth boy from the right

C. the twelfth boy from the right

2. A. yaojic@126.com B. yaojie@126.com C. jaiyei@126.com

3. A. thirty pounds B. thirteen pounds C. thirty yuan

4. A. 280 kilos B.218 kilos C. 318 kilos

5. A. 1,500people B. 1,500 pupils C. 7,500 pupils

6. A: John will stay at home just in case.B: John will see the doctor just in case.

C: John will ask for leave just in case.

7. A: They were at the butcher’s . B: They were at the baker’s.

C: They were at the hairdresser’s.

8. A: She doesn’t want to take any chances.

B: She doesn’t want to take any medicines.

C: She doesn’t want to take any belongs.

9. A: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have the measles.

B: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a flu.

C: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a toothache.

10. A: On weekends we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV.

B: On weekends we will sit in the living room and watch TV.

C: On weekdays we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV.


11. A. About B. Over C. Under

12. A. About. B. Every place. C. A circle.

13. A. Son of the king. B. Daughter of the king. C. Wife of the king.

14. A. Dialogue. B. Text. C. Stories.

15. A. England. B. A place full of trees. C. A place far away.

16. A. A place for shopping. B. A place for playing.

C. A building for Christian worship.

17. A. Heavy rain. B. Strong wind. C. Sunny days.

18. A. A person who talks a lot. B. A person who is very strict.

C. A person who is very kind.

19. A. Modern country. B. A country in Asia.

C. A country which starts to have modern industries.

20. A. Baseball. B. Badminton. C. Basketball.


21. A. I go to see animals in the zoo B. I went to the zoo

C. I am going shopping

22. A. I like to play football B. I clean my bedroom

C. I visited my grandparents with my sister

23. A. I went there by plane B. I went to the Great Wall

C. I usually go on foot

24. A. April 13 B. April 11 C. April 12

25. A. I am going this afternoon B. On Wednesday

C. I go there on Friday


26. Which box is empty?






27. What place is it talking about?







28. What kind of thing am I?







29. In Japan, one kind of the students’ activities is .

A. 吃寿司 B. 泡温泉 C. 看喷泉

30. The country in the dialogue is .

A. 瑞士 B. 瑞典 C. 苏格兰


31. Who is the founder of Disneyland?

A. Walt Disney. B. Mickey Mouse. C. Donald Duck.

32. Where was Walt Disney born?

A In New York . B In Los Angeles. C In Chicago.

33. When was Mickey Mouse created?

A In 1901. B In 1928. C In 1982.

34. Who is the silly and bad-tempered duck?

A. Tarzan. B. Mickey. C.Donald.

35. Which of the following is Not produced by Disney Company?

A. The Lion King. B. Looney Tunes. C. Snow White.


Soccer is a worldwide popular sport. Many games are held in ___36___places every year. The World Cup is the game that all the ___37___want to play most. It is held every four years.

The 2002 World Cup has started in South Korea and Japan.___38___ of people went to the game or watch them on TV day and night. They all got very ___39___and hoped their favourite team could become the world’s best team. They yelled(尖叫)for their favourite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders( 拉拉队长) came on the field to help the people yell more. They __40___and ___41___while they yelled.

Soccer is a team sport. There are always ___42___players in each team of a game. The earliest games of soccer in ___43___were not like what we know today. Games were played ___44___two towns. Each team had more than five hundred players, and each team had to try to carry the ball to the other team’s town. Today some ___45___in England still play the games like this.


46.Where does Jack live?

47. What’s Jack’s hobby?

48. Can Jack speak Chinese?

49. What’s Jack going to do next year?

50. Did you meet each other before?

(笔试部分 50分)


Dear Bill,

How are you?

I’m 51 this letter in my bedroom. I can see the 52 Seinne in Paris from my window. It’s a famous and beautiful river.

My new apartment is about three kilometers away 53 the centre of Paris. It’s not big but comfortable. It has two bedrooms, a small living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. My father works at a hospital here and I study at the school near my new apartment. That is an 54 school. The pupils are from different countries . I have lunch at the canteen in our school. The food is cheap there.

Paris is a very big city . It is the capital of France. It has a 65 history. The 56 of Paris is about 2,189,000. There are many famous old buildings 57 the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre and the Arc De Triumph . But I am very busy. I have 58 to visit them. I am going to buy a bike. Then I can go to the centre of the city and visit the old buildings, the beautiful museums and parks in the city. And I can walk around the busy streets. Paris is very big and 59 from our city. I like it very much. I’m looking 60 to getting your letter again. Please tell me something about your life soon.

All the best.

Yours May

51. A. reading B. writing C. seeing D. looking

52. A. Tower B. Building C. River D. Museum

53. A. in B. near C. at D. from

54. A. French B. international C. national D. nationality

55. A. long B. big C. old D. good

56. A. area B. history C. people D. population

57. A. about B. likes C. such as D. as

58. A. time B. no time C. enough time D. no interest

59. A. same B.come C. different D. like

60. A. for B. forward C. after D. out


A. Penguins can 61 up to 500 metres!

B. Penguins can hold their 62 for up to 20 minutes!

C. Penguins are birds because they lay 63 and have 64 .

D. Penguins can’t 65 but they can 66 very well.

( 67 ) 


       ( 68 )


       (  69 )


     (  70 )


In 1882 a baby girl(Helen Keller) caught a fever that she nearly died. She survived but she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very difficult to s 71 .

So how did this child, blinded and deafened(耳聋的) at 19 months old, grow up to b____72____ a world-famous writer and public speaker?

Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to know the world by using her other senses(其他感官). By the a____73___ of seven she had invented over 60 different signs(手势) by which she could talk to her family, if she w______74_____ bread for example, she would pretend to cut a piece of bread and butter the slices.

When she was seven years old, her family hired a private tutor - Anne Sullivan. Helen soon learnt to read and write in Braille(布莱叶盲文). Helen s___75___very hard, at last she became a very famous scholar.





79. 我哥哥正在给美国的叔叔写电子邮件。



小学英语能力竞赛预赛试题 答 题 卷

一. 听句子,选出句子含有的信息。(10分)

1________ 2_________ 3_________ 4 ________ 5_________

6________ 7___________ 8_________ 9________ 10________


11_______ 12__________ 13_________ 14_______ 15________

16_______ 17__________ 18_________ 19_______ 20________


21________ 22_________ 23_________ 24_______ 25________


26________ 27_________ 28_________ 29_______ 30________


31________ 32_________ 33_________ 34_______ 35________


36_____________ 37______________ 38____________ 39__________

40______________ 41_____________ 42____________ 43__________

44______________ 45_____________


46___________________________ 47_________________________




51________ 52________ 53________ 54________ 55________

56________ 57________ 58________ 59________ 60________


61_________ 62________ 63________64________ 65________ 66________

67_________ 68________ 69________ 70________


71__________ 72________ 73_________ 74_________ 75___________





79. _________________________________________________






21-25:BCCAA 26-30: DBCBB


36:different 37: players 38: millions 39: excited 40: danced

41: jumped 42: eleven 43: England 44: between 45: towns

46: He lives in Canada. 47: He likes collecting leaves. 48: Yes, he can.

49: He is going to study Chinese in China next year. 50: No, we didn’t.


61: dive 62: breath 63: eggs 64: feathers 65: fly 66: swim

67-70: ADBC

71: speak/say 72: be/become 73: age 74: wanted 75: studied

76: I won’t eat fish or beef for lunch today.

77: How beautiful the skirt is!

78: A goose is much bigger than a chicken.

79: My brother is writing an e-mail to our uncle in America.

80: I would like a bottle of orange juice, a glass of milk, a cup of tea and some bread.


一. 听句子,选出句子含有的信息,并将所选答案的字母编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。每小题只读一次。(10分)

1. The twelfth boy from the right is Mike.

2. My e-mail address is yaojie@126.com.

3. The T-shirt is thirty pounds.

4. The pig is two hundred and eighteen kilos.

5. There are one thousand and five hundred pupils and seventy-two teachers in our school.

6. John will see the doctor just in case.

7. They were at the butcher’s.

8. She doesn’t want to take any chances.

9. Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a toothache.

10. On weekends we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV.


11.The temperature is below zero degrees centigrade. It’s very cold.

What’s the meaning of the word “below”in the sentence?

12. The English class will start at around nine thirty.

What’s the meaning of the word “around” in the sentence?

13. The princess loved Ben, but the king didn’t allow Ben to marry his daughter.

What’s the meaning of the word “princess” in the sentence?

14. I like reading fables. <Waiting For Another Hare> is my favourite one.

What’s the meaning of the word “fable” in the sentence?

15. Robin Hood lived in the woods .

What’s the meaning of the word “woods” in the sentence?

16. Mary goes to church every Sunday. She’s a Christian.

What’s the meaning of the word “church” in the sentence?

17. The typhoon season is coming. The American people also call it a hurricane.

What’s the meaning of the word “typhoon” in the sentence?

18. Mr Chen is a chatterbox. But his students are told they should not chat in class.

What’s the meaning of the word “chatterbox” in this sentence?

19.China and Egypt are developing countries. I hope one day China will be a developed country. What’s the meaning of the word “developing country ” in the sentence?

20. Michael Jordon is a famous B-ball player.

What’s the meaning of the word “B-ball” in the sentence?


21. Where did you go last weekend?

22. What did you do yesterday?

23. How do you usually go to school?

24. Yesterday was April 12th. What is the date today?

25. When are you going to take pictures?


26. Today is Janet’s birthday. There’re lots of presents for her. They’re from her family and her friends. Here, on the floor there’re five present boxes: A, B, C, D and E. One of them is empty. The empty box isn’t in the middle of the row. There is a scooter in Box A. There is a comic book in Box B. There is a scarf in Box E.

27. This tower was once the tallest building in the world, but now it is just one of them. It is very famous in west Europe. It is three hundred and twenty meters high. Every year there is a competition for climbing up to the top of the tower. It is very exciting.

28 The land is my mother. The farmer is my father. I’m as white as snow when I am in the bowl. When I am on land I am yellow. If no water, no land I cannot grow. My favorite place is in the south.

29. The students in Japan have a long holiday. There’re many kinds of clubs. Every one can go to a club according to their interest. They have activities every day. They would go for a swim in the sea, a hot spring bath, a walk in the forest. All the students would stay together for about a week.

30. In Sweden some children travel with their parents for their holidays. Some go to the entertainment centers. In the center they can see the movies, visit the farms, keep fit in the gym, learn to make Chinese food and so on. In winter they like skiing on the mountain covered by the snow.


Disneyland is a world-famous amusement park. Walt Disney is the founder of Disneyland. He is known for his cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. They are famous among kids.

Walt Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. He began to make cartoons with great interest when he was 22. In his garden, he had a good friend-a tame mouse. He made it his first cartoon character, Mickey Mouse.

Mickey was created in 1928, then the silly and bad-tempered duck, Donald came out. Children and adults all like them.

Disney Company began making motion pictures from 1928. Since then Disney Company produced many cartoons, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Lion King and Tarzan.


Soccer is a worldwide popular sport. Many games are held in different places every year. The World Cup is the game that all the players want to play most. It is held every four years.

The 2002 World Cup has started in South Korea and Japan. Millions of people went to the game or watch them on TV day and night. They all got very excited and hoped their favourite team could become the world’s best team. They yelled(尖叫)for their favourite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders( 拉拉队长) came on the field to help the people yell more. They danced and jumped while they yelled.

Soccer is a team sport. There are always eleven players in each team of a game. The earliest games of soccer in England were not like what we know today. Games were played between two towns. Each team had more than five hundred players, and each team had to try to carry the ball to the other team’s town. Today some towns in England still play the games like this.


I have a friend. His name is Jack. Jack lives in Canada, and I live in China. We are good friends, but we didn’t meet each other before. Jack tells me he likes different leaves. He also likes Chinese, and he is learning Chinese every day. He can speak a little Chinese. He is going to study Chinese in China next year. I am very happy to hear that because I like English very much. We can help each other.

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  •   小学英语能力竞赛预赛试题_杯赛竞赛-查字典奥数网


    2011-09-29 10:04:07     标签:其他杯赛

    (听力部分 50分)

    一. 听句子,选出句子含有的信息,并将所选答案的字母编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。每个句子读一次。(10分)

    1 . A. the twelfth boy from the left B. the twentieth boy from the right

    C. the twelfth boy from the right

    2. A. yaojic@126.com B. yaojie@126.com C. jaiyei@126.com

    3. A. thirty pounds B. thirteen pounds C. thirty yuan

    4. A. 280 kilos B.218 kilos C. 318 kilos

    5. A. 1,500people B. 1,500 pupils C. 7,500 pupils

    6. A: John will stay at home just in case.B: John will see the doctor just in case.

    C: John will ask for leave just in case.

    7. A: They were at the butcher’s . B: They were at the baker’s.

    C: They were at the hairdresser’s.

    8. A: She doesn’t want to take any chances.

    B: She doesn’t want to take any medicines.

    C: She doesn’t want to take any belongs.

    9. A: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have the measles.

    B: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a flu.

    C: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a toothache.

    10. A: On weekends we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV.

    B: On weekends we will sit in the living room and watch TV.

    C: On weekdays we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV.


    11. A. About B. Over C. Under

    12. A. About. B. Every place. C. A circle.

    13. A. Son of the king. B. Daughter of the king. C. Wife of the king.

    14. A. Dialogue. B. Text. C. Stories.

    15. A. England. B. A place full of trees. C. A place far away.

    16. A. A place for shopping. B. A place for playing.

    C. A building for Christian worship.

    17. A. Heavy rain. B. Strong wind. C. Sunny days.

    18. A. A person who talks a lot. B. A person who is very strict.

    C. A person who is very kind.

    19. A. Modern country. B. A country in Asia.

    C. A country which starts to have modern industries.

    20. A. Baseball. B. Badminton. C. Basketball.


    21. A. I go to see animals in the zoo B. I went to the zoo

    C. I am going shopping

    22. A. I like to play football B. I clean my bedroom

    C. I visited my grandparents with my sister

    23. A. I went there by plane B. I went to the Great Wall

    C. I usually go on foot

    24. A. April 13 B. April 11 C. April 12

    25. A. I am going this afternoon B. On Wednesday

    C. I go there on Friday


    26. Which box is empty?






    27. What place is it talking about?







    28. What kind of thing am I?







    29. In Japan, one kind of the students’ activities is .

    A. 吃寿司 B. 泡温泉 C. 看喷泉

    30. The country in the dialogue is .

    A. 瑞士 B. 瑞典 C. 苏格兰


    31. Who is the founder of Disneyland?

    A. Walt Disney. B. Mickey Mouse. C. Donald Duck.

    32. Where was Walt Disney born?

    A In New York . B In Los Angeles. C In Chicago.

    33. When was Mickey Mouse created?

    A In 1901. B In 1928. C In 1982.

    34. Who is the silly and bad-tempered duck?

    A. Tarzan. B. Mickey. C.Donald.

    35. Which of the following is Not produced by Disney Company?

    A. The Lion King. B. Looney Tunes. C. Snow White.


    Soccer is a worldwide popular sport. Many games are held in ___36___places every year. The World Cup is the game that all the ___37___want to play most. It is held every four years.

    The 2002 World Cup has started in South Korea and Japan.___38___ of people went to the game or watch them on TV day and night. They all got very ___39___and hoped their favourite team could become the world’s best team. They yelled(尖叫)for their favourite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders( 拉拉队长) came on the field to help the people yell more. They __40___and ___41___while they yelled.

    Soccer is a team sport. There are always ___42___players in each team of a game. The earliest games of soccer in ___43___were not like what we know today. Games were played ___44___two towns. Each team had more than five hundred players, and each team had to try to carry the ball to the other team’s town. Today some ___45___in England still play the games like this.


    46.Where does Jack live?

    47. What’s Jack’s hobby?

    48. Can Jack speak Chinese?

    49. What’s Jack going to do next year?

    50. Did you meet each other before?

    (笔试部分 50分)


    Dear Bill,

    How are you?

    I’m 51 this letter in my bedroom. I can see the 52 Seinne in Paris from my window. It’s a famous and beautiful river.

    My new apartment is about three kilometers away 53 the centre of Paris. It’s not big but comfortable. It has two bedrooms, a small living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. My father works at a hospital here and I study at the school near my new apartment. That is an 54 school. The pupils are from different countries . I have lunch at the canteen in our school. The food is cheap there.

    Paris is a very big city . It is the capital of France. It has a 65 history. The 56 of Paris is about 2,189,000. There are many famous old buildings 57 the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre and the Arc De Triumph . But I am very busy. I have 58 to visit them. I am going to buy a bike. Then I can go to the centre of the city and visit the old buildings, the beautiful museums and parks in the city. And I can walk around the busy streets. Paris is very big and 59 from our city. I like it very much. I’m looking 60 to getting your letter again. Please tell me something about your life soon.

    All the best.

    Yours May

    51. A. reading B. writing C. seeing D. looking

    52. A. Tower B. Building C. River D. Museum

    53. A. in B. near C. at D. from

    54. A. French B. international C. national D. nationality

    55. A. long B. big C. old D. good

    56. A. area B. history C. people D. population

    57. A. about B. likes C. such as D. as

    58. A. time B. no time C. enough time D. no interest

    59. A. same B.come C. different D. like

    60. A. for B. forward C. after D. out


    A. Penguins can 61 up to 500 metres!

    B. Penguins can hold their 62 for up to 20 minutes!

    C. Penguins are birds because they lay 63 and have 64 .

    D. Penguins can’t 65 but they can 66 very well.

    ( 67 ) 


           ( 68 )


           (  69 )


         (  70 )


    In 1882 a baby girl(Helen Keller) caught a fever that she nearly died. She survived but she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very difficult to s 71 .

    So how did this child, blinded and deafened(耳聋的) at 19 months old, grow up to b____72____ a world-famous writer and public speaker?

    Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to know the world by using her other senses(其他感官). By the a____73___ of seven she had invented over 60 different signs(手势) by which she could talk to her family, if she w______74_____ bread for example, she would pretend to cut a piece of bread and butter the slices.

    When she was seven years old, her family hired a private tutor - Anne Sullivan. Helen soon learnt to read and write in Braille(布莱叶盲文). Helen s___75___very hard, at last she became a very famous scholar.





    79. 我哥哥正在给美国的叔叔写电子邮件。



    小学英语能力竞赛预赛试题 答 题 卷

    一. 听句子,选出句子含有的信息。(10分)

    1________ 2_________ 3_________ 4 ________ 5_________

    6________ 7___________ 8_________ 9________ 10________


    11_______ 12__________ 13_________ 14_______ 15________

    16_______ 17__________ 18_________ 19_______ 20________


    21________ 22_________ 23_________ 24_______ 25________


    26________ 27_________ 28_________ 29_______ 30________


    31________ 32_________ 33_________ 34_______ 35________


    36_____________ 37______________ 38____________ 39__________

    40______________ 41_____________ 42____________ 43__________

    44______________ 45_____________


    46___________________________ 47_________________________




    51________ 52________ 53________ 54________ 55________

    56________ 57________ 58________ 59________ 60________


    61_________ 62________ 63________64________ 65________ 66________

    67_________ 68________ 69________ 70________


    71__________ 72________ 73_________ 74_________ 75___________





    79. _________________________________________________





    1-10: CBABB BAACA 11-20: CABDB CBACD

    21-25:BCCAA 26-30: DBCBB


    36:different 37: players 38: millions 39: excited 40: danced

    41: jumped 42: eleven 43: England 44: between 45: towns

    46: He lives in Canada. 47: He likes collecting leaves. 48: Yes, he can.

    49: He is going to study Chinese in China next year. 50: No, we didn’t.

    51-60: BCDBA DCBCB

    61: dive 62: breath 63: eggs 64: feathers 65: fly 66: swim

    67-70: ADBC

    71: speak/say 72: be/become 73: age 74: wanted 75: studied

    76: I won’t eat fish or beef for lunch today.

    77: How beautiful the skirt is!

    78: A goose is much bigger than a chicken.

    79: My brother is writing an e-mail to our uncle in America.

    80: I would like a bottle of orange juice, a glass of milk, a cup of tea and some bread.


    一. 听句子,选出句子含有的信息,并将所选答案的字母编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。每小题只读一次。(10分)

    1. The twelfth boy from the right is Mike.

    2. My e-mail address is yaojie@126.com.

    3. The T-shirt is thirty pounds.

    4. The pig is two hundred and eighteen kilos.

    5. There are one thousand and five hundred pupils and seventy-two teachers in our school.

    6. John will see the doctor just in case.

    7. They were at the butcher’s.

    8. She doesn’t want to take any chances.

    9. Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a toothache.

    10. On weekends we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV.


    11.The temperature is below zero degrees centigrade. It’s very cold.

    What’s the meaning of the word “below”in the sentence?

    12. The English class will start at around nine thirty.

    What’s the meaning of the word “around” in the sentence?

    13. The princess loved Ben, but the king didn’t allow Ben to marry his daughter.

    What’s the meaning of the word “princess” in the sentence?

    14. I like reading fables. <Waiting For Another Hare> is my favourite one.

    What’s the meaning of the word “fable” in the sentence?

    15. Robin Hood lived in the woods .

    What’s the meaning of the word “woods” in the sentence?

    16. Mary goes to church every Sunday. She’s a Christian.

    What’s the meaning of the word “church” in the sentence?

    17. The typhoon season is coming. The American people also call it a hurricane.

    What’s the meaning of the word “typhoon” in the sentence?

    18. Mr Chen is a chatterbox. But his students are told they should not chat in class.

    What’s the meaning of the word “chatterbox” in this sentence?

    19.China and Egypt are developing countries. I hope one day China will be a developed country. What’s the meaning of the word “developing country ” in the sentence?

    20. Michael Jordon is a famous B-ball player.

    What’s the meaning of the word “B-ball” in the sentence?


    21. Where did you go last weekend?

    22. What did you do yesterday?

    23. How do you usually go to school?

    24. Yesterday was April 12th. What is the date today?

    25. When are you going to take pictures?


    26. Today is Janet’s birthday. There’re lots of presents for her. They’re from her family and her friends. Here, on the floor there’re five present boxes: A, B, C, D and E. One of them is empty. The empty box isn’t in the middle of the row. There is a scooter in Box A. There is a comic book in Box B. There is a scarf in Box E.

    27. This tower was once the tallest building in the world, but now it is just one of them. It is very famous in west Europe. It is three hundred and twenty meters high. Every year there is a competition for climbing up to the top of the tower. It is very exciting.

    28 The land is my mother. The farmer is my father. I’m as white as snow when I am in the bowl. When I am on land I am yellow. If no water, no land I cannot grow. My favorite place is in the south.

    29. The students in Japan have a long holiday. There’re many kinds of clubs. Every one can go to a club according to their interest. They have activities every day. They would go for a swim in the sea, a hot spring bath, a walk in the forest. All the students would stay together for about a week.

    30. In Sweden some children travel with their parents for their holidays. Some go to the entertainment centers. In the center they can see the movies, visit the farms, keep fit in the gym, learn to make Chinese food and so on. In winter they like skiing on the mountain covered by the snow.


    Disneyland is a world-famous amusement park. Walt Disney is the founder of Disneyland. He is known for his cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. They are famous among kids.

    Walt Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. He began to make cartoons with great interest when he was 22. In his garden, he had a good friend-a tame mouse. He made it his first cartoon character, Mickey Mouse.

    Mickey was created in 1928, then the silly and bad-tempered duck, Donald came out. Children and adults all like them.

    Disney Company began making motion pictures from 1928. Since then Disney Company produced many cartoons, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Lion King and Tarzan.


    Soccer is a worldwide popular sport. Many games are held in different places every year. The World Cup is the game that all the players want to play most. It is held every four years.

    The 2002 World Cup has started in South Korea and Japan. Millions of people went to the game or watch them on TV day and night. They all got very excited and hoped their favourite team could become the world’s best team. They yelled(尖叫)for their favourite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders( 拉拉队长) came on the field to help the people yell more. They danced and jumped while they yelled.

    Soccer is a team sport. There are always eleven players in each team of a game. The earliest games of soccer in England were not like what we know today. Games were played between two towns. Each team had more than five hundred players, and each team had to try to carry the ball to the other team’s town. Today some towns in England still play the games like this.


    I have a friend. His name is Jack. Jack lives in Canada, and I live in China. We are good friends, but we didn’t meet each other before. Jack tells me he likes different leaves. He also likes Chinese, and he is learning Chinese every day. He can speak a little Chinese. He is going to study Chinese in China next year. I am very happy to hear that because I like English very much. We can help each other.

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